PAC Supervisory Board Meeting 13th August 2024

Praha - OPERO Salvátorská 931, Praha, Praha, Česká republika

On Tuesday 13th August, a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of the Progressive Analytical Centre o.p.s. took place. The meeting was also attended by two new members of both PAC boards: Mrs. Eva Pavlíková and Mr. Miroslav Dvořák.

Towards Competitive European Water Resilience

Progressive Analytical Centre (PAC) and Association of Waterworks Companies (AVS) would like to invite you for a policy roundtable

Towards Competitive European Water Resilience

Organized under the auspices of Members of the European Parliament
Nils Ušakovs (Committee on Budgets) and 
Monika Beňová (Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety & Committee on Public Health)