Progressive Agenda for Mental Health 2024-2029

Brusel Rue Wiertz 60, Brusel, Belgie

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the Progressive Manifesto, in collaboration with the Progressive Analytical Centre o.p.s., led by MEPs Radka Maxová (S&D), Istvan Ujhelyi (S&D), and Mikuláš Peksa (Greens)!

Zasedání dozorčí rady PAC 13. 8. 2024

Praha - OPERO Salvátorská 931, Praha, Praha, Česká republika

V úterý 13. 8. se uskutečnilo společné zasedání správní a dozorčí rada Progresivního analytického centra o.p.s. Zasedání se účastnili také dva noví členové obou rad PAC: paní Eva Pavlíková a pan Miroslav Dvořák.

PAC Supervisory Board Meeting 13th August 2024

Praha - OPERO Salvátorská 931, Praha, Praha, Česká republika

On Tuesday 13th August, a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of the Progressive Analytical Centre o.p.s. took place. The meeting was also attended by two new members of both PAC boards: Mrs. Eva Pavlíková and Mr. Miroslav Dvořák.

The Hidden Alliance: Unmasking the Links Between Organized Crime and Russian Influence Operations

Office of IBRIS al. Ujazdowskie 37 lok 3, Warszawa, Poland

Aspen Institute Central Europe and Progressive Analytical Centre has the pleasure to Invite you to the roundtable discussion „The Hidden Alliance: Unmasking the Links Between Organized Crime and Russian Influence Operations“ This roundtable addresses the often-overlooked connection between organized crime—such as drug trafficking, tobacco smuggling, and human trafficking—and Russian influence operations aimed at shaping political […]

The first meeting of the PYNEP programme

The first meeting of the PYNEP programme is over. Apart from the introductory words of our director Tomas Petricek, we primarily focused on the task that our participants will be working on in the coming months. The first task was to present their topics, among the topics were "Mental Health and Young People" and "Climate […]

The PAC in Brussels – DAY 1

Participants of the PYNEP Programme have finally the opportunity to be trained directly in Brussels and try their EU policy-making more in practice. During the day we had a great opportunity to visit the European Parliament and talk about the main EU Institutions At The Foundation for the European Progressive Studies participants held: •⁠ ⁠a […]

Progresivní analytické centrum vyhlašuje přihlašování na vzdělávací program: „Progressive Youth Network on European Policy“

Brusel Rue Wiertz 60, Brusel, Belgie

O Programu Progressive Youth Network on European Policy (PYNEP) je nový vzdělávací program pro budoucí progresivní politiky, kteří mají zájem ovlivňovat evropskou politiku a rozhodování již nyní. Cílem je posílit hlas mladých lidí prostřednictvím školení v praxi tvorby politiky a sdílením progresivních hodnot v rámci tvorby evropské politiky. Jsme přesvědčeni, že mladí lidé si zaslouží […]